Below is a listing of all models of Corum replica watches available from Corum Watches. Please select the model of omega replica watch below in order to few all available combinations. All prices listed below include free shipping via EMS worldwide where available. If you have further questions about any of the Corum replicas featured on this website, please contact us.
We only sell the most popular and good quality replica Corum Rolls Royce - Spirit of Ecstasy - Diamonds watches which always in stock, you can also choose high end Swiss movement for many replica watches, we will reinspect every our watch before, for we know the feeling when receiving a desirable watch. If you have any question, please contact us freely.
We will arrange the delivery of Corum Corum 32600 replica as soon as your payment is confirmed. Please make sure that your telephone number and email address are right, because the custome service representatives will contact you and identify your information, in order to deal with the shipments of your order. Generally, we deliver products through EMS, DHL, UPS, etc. And the tracking number will be sent to you via email once the watch is shipped. The shipping fee of any order is free. The package will be arrived about 7 to 15 days. We accept payment by PayPal, Visa/Master card, MoneyGram and Bank Transfer. If you pay by MoneyGram or Bank Transfer, we can offer you 15% off. If you have any questions about shipping and payment, please contact us freely, we'll be glad to help you!
Grabbed a few photos of my Sub today while at the pool
These were taken with my little Pentax Optio point and shoot camera I got in January. I bought it for those times you don't want to have a DSLR and backpack full of lenses. Here's a shot of the association pool where my old bachelor pad condo is located (I still own it and rent it we still use the pool) - as you can see, it takes pretty darn good outdoor shots:We were the only ones at the pool for most of the day!The Optio has a macro mode, and can take some decent wrist shots...again........
Picked up another Lord Elgin with a 718 manual movement-take apart pictures
I only spent $41 on this one. It looked better on the Bay, then when I got it today. So I decided that I this would be a watch I'd disassemble (of course not the movement) and clean up and see what happens. Unfortunately, the caseback had a number of gouges in the rolled gold (thankfully Elgin layered it on thick) as if someone it the past was trying to make a spot to pry the caseback off. There also was a small, but deep gouge on the bezel.Once I took it apart, I used my Dremel on the bezel........